Andrology is the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological problems that are unique to men.
India is the preferred destination for Andrology for foreign patients.
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Advantage India
Experienced, skilled & well qualified Andrologists, Urologists, Surgeons and reproductive medicine specialists
Availability of all kinds of medical solutions to andrology including surgery to issues relating with the male reproductive system
Advance andrology assessment.
Top laboratory techniques and special tests in diagnosing male reproductivity.
Leader in clinical advances and basic sciences
Latest advances in the genetics of testicular dysfunction.
India has the first university recognized Course in Andrology in Asia.
Hundreds of top training programs are available in andrology all over India.
India is one of the first countries to establish its own andrology society.
Highly advanced research and development in Andrology
Most affordable medical consultation, medical tests, screening, medicine, treatment and surgery
Most advanced medical treatments and surgeries.
No waiting time.
High success rate
Hundreds of colleges and hospitals are offering training and certification at the level of certificate, diploma, post graduation, fellowship and doctoral program in andrology and related fields.
India is having 500 nationally and internationally accredited hospitals.
Medical and Surgical procedures:
Balanitis, Carcinoma of the penis, Cryptorchidism, Epididymitis, Epispadias, Erectile dysfunction, Frenulum breve, Hydrocele, Hypospadias, Infertility, Micropenis, Orchitis, Paraphimosis, Penile fracture, Peyronie’s disease, Phimosis, Post-vasectomy pain syndrome, Priapism, Prostate cancer, Prostatitis, Retrograde ejaculation, Seminal vesiculitis, Spermatocele, Testicular cancer, Testicular torsion, Varicocele.